Thursday, February 12, 2015

Post for Week of 2/10/2015

In the book Writing Down the Bones one chapter that really made me think was the chapter titled Baking a Cake. In this chapter it talks about how stories are like cakes. You can have all the ingredients to make it, but without that heat, or energy, it wont get very far. You have to put time into it and a lot of thought in order to really bring out what it best in your story. You need to look at all the little details of the story, just like how all the little details on a cake is what can make them so unique.

Another chapter that got me to think was the chapter titled The Action of a Sentence. This chapter is more about helping you put in the extra details or just different words to really bring out the full potential in your sentences. It gives more creativity, imagination, and uniqueness to every sentence. The chapter gives a little exercise where you put down verbs in a list and nouns in a list. Then you pick one random noun and one random verb and put them together to help make creative versions of your sentences. This helps to keep the story or poem from sounding expressionless or monotone.

The chapter Don't Marry the Fly was also one that caught my attention. It talks about how you can have your obsessions and you need to let yourself indulge on that obsession, however you shouldn't let that obsession take over your entire life. You can love the fly, and you can talk about the fly, but you should never marry the fly.

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