Thursday, February 5, 2015

Post for 2/3/2015

In class we talked more about the Tocqueville book and poem. The main poem was confusing at first but now is starting to make more sense. I am not fond of how it seems to be a compilation of stories mashed together. I interpret this poem to be somewhat of a comparison of countries. Or even a look at the mind of a war veteran.

The PowerPoint 3 poem was the most confusing of all to read. I don't like how it is in simple powerpoint format, yet its showing such complex language. While reading through it however, I found that it seems to be a large comparison on peoples thoughts while going through these different matrixes. The grief matrix, consolation matrix, reverence matrix, etc.

In class we were to bring in poems and receive advice and give advice on how to improve out poems. My main poem I enjoyed the most was an imitation poem of Langston Hughes, "Preference". Instead of being from the point of view of a man, its from the point of view from a woman. She talks about wanting a young energetic man, instead of in the original when the man wants an obedient and carefree older woman.

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