Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post for week of 3/3/2015

To start off this post I would like to mention that I was not in class on Tuesday due to the weather conditions. I was trying to work on my fiction stories but it was difficult to get further with creative influence due to no peer reviews like the ones that were going on Tuesday in class. I did type up my rough drafts of my two stories to bring to class.

My first story is based off the assignment where we had to create a character that has 4 specific characteristics and we had to show them throughout the story without saying what they were. My story is about a knight who is very humble, courageous, and selfless. However, he is also very shy. He goes out to save a woman in need, but when he succeeds in saving her, he does not know what to do with the attention he is now receiving from her and others.

My second story is based off the assignment where we had to explain a place without giving its name. My story is rather short but I think its obvious what it is once you read it and have been here at this time of day before. My story talks about Krispy Kreme Donuts when the red sign is on letting everyone know that they are making fresh donuts and you can go in and get one for free.

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