Thursday, March 19, 2015

Week of 3/17/15 Anthony Cooper

This week I had to work on my fiction packet for class. I chose to do my one story that I have been working on and attempting to develop for a few weeks now. The hardest part about writing fiction for me is coming up with details, and visual details especially, that help bring out more action and more entertainment for the reader. So one thing I will continue working on while writing is my use of detail and how to make it better.

This week we also were supposed to read some of the Maps to Anywhere book by Bernard Cooper. One story I enjoyed was Atlantis. The title itself makes you think its going to be about the wonderful lost city of Atlantis, but it is not. It is about a barber shop and the mysterious of the barber pole and the experience of being at the barbers. What I enjoyed about this story was the incredible detail put into describing everything. The hair, the wind, and even the barber pole itself were all incredibly detailed and gave much more action and attention to the things he described.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Week of 3/10/2015

To begin this post I would like to talk about my story I am writing for class. The story is about a soldier, or knight, in a fantasy world. He is part of an army that protects the kingdom of Thuria. This story is based from the assignment of making a character based on 4 traits without mentioning what the traits were. My soldier(still thinking of a name) is supposed to be courageous, humble, and selfless. However, he is also very shy around others. Especially women. The story is about him becoming one of the most famous knights in the kingdom, due to his amazing talent with a blade, but also because no one has ever really gotten to know who he truly is. Some people call him Silent Justice, or they say his personality is like the calm before the storm while his fighting his the actual storm. I will continue working on this story because this sort of genre I really enjoy.

A story we read in class was called Night Women. We discussed it very heavily in class on Tuesday and there were some things that really stood out to me while reading it. You definitely get the idea she is some sort of prostitute, and people in class made points on how she might be a high end one due to mentioning having clients. Also, noticing how certain words were italicized meaning there was some other hidden meaning behind the word. The story was also intriguing because it was talking about how the mom noticed her son growing up and how he was beginning to go through puberty and experiencing things that she wishes he wouldn't.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Post for week of 3/3/2015

To start off this post I would like to mention that I was not in class on Tuesday due to the weather conditions. I was trying to work on my fiction stories but it was difficult to get further with creative influence due to no peer reviews like the ones that were going on Tuesday in class. I did type up my rough drafts of my two stories to bring to class.

My first story is based off the assignment where we had to create a character that has 4 specific characteristics and we had to show them throughout the story without saying what they were. My story is about a knight who is very humble, courageous, and selfless. However, he is also very shy. He goes out to save a woman in need, but when he succeeds in saving her, he does not know what to do with the attention he is now receiving from her and others.

My second story is based off the assignment where we had to explain a place without giving its name. My story is rather short but I think its obvious what it is once you read it and have been here at this time of day before. My story talks about Krispy Kreme Donuts when the red sign is on letting everyone know that they are making fresh donuts and you can go in and get one for free.