Thursday, January 22, 2015

Post about the Week of 1/20/15

This week we started looking at the book "Writing Down the Bones" by Natalie Goldberg. The book helps us students think about how to approach writing and how not to approach writing. The beginning of the book talks about how to get yourself to start writing while the deeper you go into the book the more complex the methodologies get.

One part of the book that really caught my attention was the chapter Writing is Not a McDonald's Hamburger. It tells about how you should not go into writing a story of some sort with a specific path in mind. As you write you will encounter different ideas and different scenarios and you will want to write it all down. The path you take to writing will be different every time you write something down.

Another part of the book that made me think was . It tells about how a story was about someone's thoughts or experiences at the specific time they wrote it. They could have been really sad when they wrote it, but just because you are reading it now does not mean they are sad right now. A story lets us express who we are in one moment, and after that moment we can change into whoever we want.

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